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Fertility Management

Building a family is always a joy for every couple and we are excited to be part of this journey. Our focus is going through this TOGETHER.

We at the Limi Hospitals recognize that having a child and building a family is an important part of every couple’s life and their health. Thus being committed to happy families through great healthcare, delivering this part of family health is one that we are particularly passionate about.

1 to 2 in 10 couples require some assistance in making this happen and our team is equipped, passionate and ready to hold your hands through this process.

Our team of specialists includes doctors, nurses, counsellors, administrators across multiple specialties to ensure that all couples are thoroughly evaluated, advised, given adequate information and helped through varying treatments to achieve the joy of conception and parenting.

Some of these include

  • Medical Management
    Non-surgical use of medications, information and other manipulations to sort out a myriad of problems from hormonal issues, to problems with ovulation and/or sperm production
  • Counseling
    This is an integral part of the process to provide the necessary guidance, support and information required to overcome the difficulties
  • Assisted Reproductive Technology and IVF (click here for more details)